In preparation for the winter season, it is essential to winterize your boat and motors.  Here are a few steps we can take to ensure your boats safe for the winter season.

Mobile Marine Shrink Wrapping Services:

The main reason to shrink wrap your boat is to protect it from the elements. Shrink-wrap will help protect against rodents, insects, bird droppings, and dust. The wrap also provides greater warmth, which may help eliminate pooling, the buildup of snow, and the tight seal to withstand high winds. All while keeping the boat clean, so your investment doesn’t deteriorate.


Boat Shrink Wrap

Boat Shrink-wrap
Starting at $18/Ft
$18.00 per foot

Outboard motors:

⬩ Freshwater flush
⬩ Empty fuel lines and carburetors
⬩ Fog the carburetor intake(s)
⬩ Drain cooling passages
⬩ Lubricate linkages and the electric starter drive mechanism
⬩ Stabilize the fuel
⬩ Clean and liberally lubricate propeller shaft

Inboard Motors:

⬩ Change coolant — fresh-water cooled engines only
⬩ Change engine and transmission oils
⬩ Top-off fuel tanks and add biocide — diesel engines only
⬩ Run fuel out of engine — gasoline engines only
⬩ Fog the intake — gasoline engines only
⬩ Flush raw-water circuit
⬩ Protect raw-water passages — diesel engines only
⬩ Fog cylinders — gasoline engines only
⬩ Fog intake — diesel engines only
⬩ Grease control cables
⬩ Seal all engine and tank openings
⬩ Tighten stuffing box

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